Category: Personal Work

Pal, I had a need to share my gratitude and hope those little seeds of love and thanks drift and plant themselves here, there, and everywhere. … This guy. The way in which I see my husband is often on repeat in my head, in ebb and egress. All the great things that he does for our family, others, and me are center stage in my mind when I feel the deepest sense […]

My Birth Story
What better day to share my birth experience than that of my baby’s first birthday. Happy Birthday, little pal. This is the story of your journey to greet us. — If you’re not into the details, maybe skip this post; cute pictures of the babe at the end, though. 😉 — About three weeks earlier, I was online typing, “what do contractions feel like?” Search yielded, cramps. Electrical surges. Indescribable. […]

All Packed
I may have mentioned more than a few times that I love packaging. It’s important to me that my clients see a reflection of my gratitude for their faith in me and my craft, so one of my favorite parts of the process after the photo editing is complete, is putting together these fun client packages for my lifestyle session and wedding clients. The loveliest part of my special little surprise is the […]

I was so lucky to have a vacation with my husband, son, and mother and father in-law in Kauai earlier this month. It was incredibly restorative, despite having very little sleep with a sleep-confused 10 month old. Though it made for some incredible sunrise walks that I will forever remember. This place is magic.

I always hear this phrase
“I am so awkward in front of the camera.” I probably say this as much as my dear clients, more specifically those doing headshots. And you know what? They never look awkward. Ha! Either that, or I’m just an amazing photographer. Double ha! Our own perceptions of how we look and behave are so critical and yet most of the time, those that we surround ourselves with and that we trust, see the […]

Deal done
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about my anxiety over wearing a swimsuit on our upcoming beach vacation. Fear about being seen with a post-baby body that I had some shame around was gaining more momentum than the privilege of being in one of the most beautiful places on earth. I made a deal that I would return from my vacation with an image of myself in my newly purchased swimsuit to express […]

In going through old family photos, I came across a handful of these little gems. I wondered why they printed them so small (basically, almost the size of the film they were shot on). Then, my son’s very astute nanny told me that they were more economical to print at the smaller sizes and families who couldn’t afford larger prints settled on these. Duh, Clara! I had seen them before but never really looked […]

Almost naked. And definitely afraid.
As I was staring at my choices in the dressing room today for a post-baby-body-loving swimsuit, I was dealing with the notion of radical body acceptance. Immediately, I thought about this upcoming beach vacation and being photographed in a swimsuit and A LOT of anxiety bubbled up. I think I may have been thinking about this more than all of the incredible images I plan to take while we are there. Like […]

Sometimes, there are casualties of work, whether in or out of the home. My wiener dogs haven’t gotten a fair shake in about 18 months, when I found out I was pregnant. I feel pretty lucky that when I am working; editing photos, working on my packaging, or writing posts like this one, I have a pretty terrific partner who can take on primary care for Gus. I am very grateful to have a […]

My approach to portraiture
Portrait photography scared me. Fifteen years ago, I studied fine art photography and was told time and time again by peers in my program and even mentors that commercial portrait photography was for those who had either “sold out” or lost their conceptual and artistic vision. The message I got was that this brand of photography was most certainly not art. If we were to use subject(s) in our work, it better […]
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